Today was one of those days where it feels like for every step forward, you must take two steps back. Andrea was started on kidney dialysis tonight, hopefully it is only temporary, likely at least for 72 hours. Her kidney output was steady at 30 to 50 mls per hour, but with all the fluid she is getting her fluid balance was at least 8 litres positive, her creatinine was going up a bit and urea was quite high. When kidneys don't work the person feels very poorly, stomach troubles etc, tissues builld up with fluid, feet and legs swell, stomach distends, no appetite and the list goes on. She is still intubated because of this, fluid pushes on the lungs and they don't inflate like they should. This is delaying having the tube removed, she is probably alert enough to have the tube out, but she would not be able to maintain adequate oxygen levels now. Hopefully tomorrow there is a sufficient improvement in her fluid balance so that they can extubate her. Cardiac wise they are very happy for the functions and improvement they see. That is one very intelligent little pump she has, loaded with sensing equipment I don't understand. right now it is turning at 9800 rpms and the flow meter shows a good increase from earlier. This means that the right side of the heart pressures are coming down and she is getting better blood flow out to her organs and body, her feet and hands are very nice and warm and pink, her nail beds are pink, she has good capillary refill in her toes, meaning that when her toes are pinched they turn white momentarily, but immediately refill and become pink again. Now if only her liver and kidneys would pick up the pace we would be on a roll. Needless Faye and I are exhausted physically and emotionally, It feels like I could hardly keep my eyes open today. Time to sign off and wishing you all a good night. Please keep on praying, first of all for Andrea and for her parents.
Thanks, Maynard