"We Love Andrea" was created to update Andrea's friends as she went through a difficult journey. After her second heart transplant when her pulse began to speed up she was given a pacemaker, then a Heart Mate II or LVAD. She was in the Stollery Children's Hospital, then the Mazankowski heart unit in Edmonton, Alberta for 7 months. However, she peacefully died on May 11, 2011 when the rest of her heart and other organs could handle the strain no longer. If you come to this blog, pray for her family and friends, remember to tell your friends you love them, then sign your organ donor card.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Good Day, Standing and Eating

Good Evening to all our faithful support group
Andrea had a fairly good day, Pt was in this morning and first had her sit up on the edge of her bed and then standing two times.  This PT we have known since 10 years ago, she does not look after her during the week, this was the first time she has been on duty for weekend.  Anyway I think she must have been there when the walls went up in that place, and she said Andrea is quite close to walking again, of course that would be only a few steps at first with a walker, that's encouraging.  Another first, Andrea ate 2 very tiny tiny bites of food for the first time since sometime in November.  Faye prepared toasted, hot, ham and cheese sandwiches tonight, so offhandedly I asked her whether she would like a bite and very surprisingly she wanted one.  She was very happy to manage it, said it tasted very good.  She also had maybe 6 of those smallest Mr Freezies today, also had a teaspoonful of chocolate pudding 3 separate times, it all stayed down too.  It might be that the appetite stimulant is working, although it would seem quite soon for that, since she has had it only for 5 days or so.  We also had her up in her wheelchair for about 1.5 hours today.  Her sleep wake cycle is still not right, maybe tonight will be better, we tried to keep her awake as much as possible today.  When I left she was very very tired, and nearly asleep, which is what I need too, so goodnight.
Thanks, Maynard

1 comment:

  1. Small steps are good steps! We are happy to hear that she is slowly improving and send our prayers and love.

    The Arnolds
