"We Love Andrea" was created to update Andrea's friends as she went through a difficult journey. After her second heart transplant when her pulse began to speed up she was given a pacemaker, then a Heart Mate II or LVAD. She was in the Stollery Children's Hospital, then the Mazankowski heart unit in Edmonton, Alberta for 7 months. However, she peacefully died on May 11, 2011 when the rest of her heart and other organs could handle the strain no longer. If you come to this blog, pray for her family and friends, remember to tell your friends you love them, then sign your organ donor card.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Showered today (first time in 10 weeks...)

Today was a good one for Andrea, in the morning they used the lift and sling, put her on a chair with wheels and armrests and she had a shower, the first one in about 10 weeks.  She sure enjoyed that, even though it wore her out.  Fayte was quite surprised to see that she could sit up in the chair and holding onto the armrests by herself, that she didn't need help with that.  After that she slept again for 3 hours, so she didn't get out of her room at all today , except she went down for a routine x-ray.  The speech pathologist came in to do the first part of the swallow study.  That did not go as good as we had hoped, she gave Andrea an ice chip to chew and swallow, first one went down okay, the second one her gag reflex made her retch so she stopped giving her ice.  It might have been different if she was not nauseated to begin with.  The nurse was not surprised, she said after being intubated as long and eating nothing for almost 3 months, it would take a little while for it all to work normally.  Tomorrow she is due again for dialysis, so if they start it real early, and she naps awhile, maybe we can get her up in her wheelchair and get out of her room for awhile.  The swallow study nurse will be back again tomorrow and will stick with it until she is able to eat and drink again normally.  Hope tomorrow will go okay.
Regards, Maynard

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