"We Love Andrea" was created to update Andrea's friends as she went through a difficult journey. After her second heart transplant when her pulse began to speed up she was given a pacemaker, then a Heart Mate II or LVAD. She was in the Stollery Children's Hospital, then the Mazankowski heart unit in Edmonton, Alberta for 7 months. However, she peacefully died on May 11, 2011 when the rest of her heart and other organs could handle the strain no longer. If you come to this blog, pray for her family and friends, remember to tell your friends you love them, then sign your organ donor card.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Hi Everyone

Not sure if we mentioned yesterday or not, Andrea was readmitted to the Stollery again yesterday. She has had gastroenteritis now, today is the twelfth day. She has eaten very little for so long that now she has lost more than 15 kgs from the highest level of approx a month ago. Most of that has been fluid except the last 5 kgs or so, As you can imagine she has lost a lot of strength, muscle tone etc. She just got back from Radiology about 1/2 hour ago from having a PIC line installed. That is a double lumen line in her right arm, so now she can have intravenous going into one line and still be able to draw blood from the other. It is one line inside of another line and goes in the artery in the arm to just above her heart, the perfect place to administer medicines etc. They plan to start TPN continuous infusion, which is a nutrition solution that is a complete package for her nutritional needs. She should soon feel better hopefully. They will monitor her carefully and they still might do the catheter procedure on Friday if she does okay till then. That should finally give an indication of how her heart health really is. Thanks for all your support and prayers, please keep on praying.

Thanks, Maynard and Faye

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