"We Love Andrea" was created to update Andrea's friends as she went through a difficult journey. After her second heart transplant when her pulse began to speed up she was given a pacemaker, then a Heart Mate II or LVAD. She was in the Stollery Children's Hospital, then the Mazankowski heart unit in Edmonton, Alberta for 7 months. However, she peacefully died on May 11, 2011 when the rest of her heart and other organs could handle the strain no longer. If you come to this blog, pray for her family and friends, remember to tell your friends you love them, then sign your organ donor card.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Update from Faye

Hi everyone!
It is a beautiful November day here. No snow, sun is shining and temperature is nice, not sure but yesterday it was 7c. There wasn't much to write about over the weekend except that Andrea must have picked up a bug and was feeling under the weather. She had very much diarreah and is still battling with it so is very tired and doesn't want to eat. We took her to the transplant clinic at 9:00 this morn. and got back at 1:30. Seems it always takes so long. Bloodwork showed her creatine is coming down some more, was 175 today so the kidney doctor was very pleased. Her weight showed she had lost 7 lbs. since Thursday! Now they are reducing her Lasix so she slows down since now she is lighter than before she got sick. Her tummy is still somewhat swollen but her legs and feet are almost to normal. She had echo and EKG and also saw the GI doctor because her liver numbers are up but they are not too worried about that yet.could be the medications. She will have bloodwork Friday again and clinic next Tuesday. They say the flu bug is all over, just too bad she had to get it. Her iron was really low today so have started her on 600mg of iron a day now. Hope her tummy will handle that. Maybe that's why she is so tired then hopefully it will help her feel better. Right now she is having a good nap which she needed! The physiotherapist Andrea had in hosp. wanted to see her today but she just wasn't up to it so we cancelled that appointment. We'll try again on Friday. Love to all, Maynards

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